Sunday, June 22, 2008

A New Nepal....

It's the weekend, did I say that in my last blog..cant remember..anyway it's strikes and "bandhs" again today...what else is new!! Is there all these people can do,for everything that goes wrong the answer for them is to call a stike and create havoc for everyone!!
It's understandable that they don't have a voice and most of the time they are not heard, plus the govt's attitude towards the situation is not really what you may call a "listening" one.

The political scene is also not too promising...which only make everyting else a lot more difficult to deal heart goes out to the people, they are the one in dire straits...

Everyone talks about the New Nepal...I was also witness to the birth of the New Nepal..from being a kingdom to a republic...change is not going to be easy but I do hope that there is progress...

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