Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Let the celebrations begin...oops I forgot some parts

I was so tired, that I even forgot some additional stuff we did during our festivities..We had our all important Tree Planting ceremony...that was hilarious to watch actually...and guess who was there to capture the moments...yours truly..

Everyone was really into this whole tree planting...all my departments took part,they each had a plot for their saplings..and went right into the whole exercise. As always, everyone wanted their pics taken...I was like this bee buzzing around from one end to another..I tell you, I haven't done this kind of workout in a long time and the sun was practically burning our skin off!!!

By the time we finished I was gasping for air and dreaming of drinking a gallon of Coke! Fat chance that would happen- so I made do with a cup of iced juice instead. It was fun day for all of us and now we are the proud owners of whatever tree that we planted, although I may only get to see my tree perhaps in 2011...

Later on in the day, we had a game of volleyball which was really exciting. I cheered and cheered till my voice was sore but what the heck-it was done to celebrate our people....so that I certainly did!!

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