Thursday, July 23, 2009


ahhhhh......what a hectic day!!! Had a good day though, gave a session on the environment and how to conserve wenergy etc..there were however some iritants who really got under my skin..I have to try really hard not to let them get to me! Well at least I can be proud to say that I do my little bit to help the earth..I now use a cloth bag for my shopping :) I try to use the stairs and even save water ...every bit counts. I even recycled one of my fav blouses into a sort of "art deco" piece..well it's art deco to me at least! Anyhoo...I'm trying to relax a bit..and try to find ways to not worry so much ..I AM a WORRY WART! I worry about almost everyting and it's driving me nuts!!!! I read all these self help books and for a while I feel good but then my mind starts to spiral out of control..weaving in and out of thoughts, ideas, scenarios..God only knows where it stems from!! Anyway, i'm trying to take it slow....doing what I like doing..and hopefully I'll recover from this madness...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

My obsession....

My obsession with cats!! I don't know what it is..I just have a fascination with them..On my recent trip to Bali, I had the most incredible urge to buy all things catty! I bought 4 different kinds of cats, is it the ferrel like feature of these animals..what is it that makes me droll over cats...its wierd! I have 2 cats, and I miss them dearly..but it was never an obession until recently.Whenever I see a cat picture or a cat artwork, or sculputre I get all excited :) Cats are such languid animals...I jsut had an encounter with a "ragdoll" I never heard of a ragdoll but there she was all bushy and cuddly and cute..such a princess..and that was her name "Princess"!!She belongs to a certain family and I had the honour to meet thier little I long for cats and dogs of my own.I can picture them now, in my yard playing,jumping ..having a jolly time. My dog (fictional of course as of now) which by the way is called Rex is a labrador...who inhabits my home(also finctatious as of now) which is 2 story bungalow with lots of land..(veven a corner) lot is has to be corner lot! own your own home...I cant wait to make it a reality....soon soon...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The meeting after 15 years

Today was a brilliant day!!! Not in a million years had I imagined that I would meet my first FOM and a friend after all these time! Just 2 weeks ago, I had told my friends about my first job and how I got started in this budget hotel and how my FOM gave me the motivation to move on..and lo and behold there it e-mail from him to another friend of mine on some Punjabi food promo! I got a shock of my life when his name popped up and I called my friend and clarified and then I just shot off a mail. They next thing I know, he calls up and we're chatting like old friends. Damn !! it has been really a surprise. He also put me in tocuh witth my other friends all the old gang...I hope I get a reply from them.
God does work in mysterious ways...good things come at unexpected times, that makes it all the more sweeter. I hope that after this i won't lose touch really made my day. Now back to my Business Planning..headache :(