Thursday, July 23, 2009


ahhhhh......what a hectic day!!! Had a good day though, gave a session on the environment and how to conserve wenergy etc..there were however some iritants who really got under my skin..I have to try really hard not to let them get to me! Well at least I can be proud to say that I do my little bit to help the earth..I now use a cloth bag for my shopping :) I try to use the stairs and even save water ...every bit counts. I even recycled one of my fav blouses into a sort of "art deco" piece..well it's art deco to me at least! Anyhoo...I'm trying to relax a bit..and try to find ways to not worry so much ..I AM a WORRY WART! I worry about almost everyting and it's driving me nuts!!!! I read all these self help books and for a while I feel good but then my mind starts to spiral out of control..weaving in and out of thoughts, ideas, scenarios..God only knows where it stems from!! Anyway, i'm trying to take it slow....doing what I like doing..and hopefully I'll recover from this madness...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

My obsession....

My obsession with cats!! I don't know what it is..I just have a fascination with them..On my recent trip to Bali, I had the most incredible urge to buy all things catty! I bought 4 different kinds of cats, is it the ferrel like feature of these animals..what is it that makes me droll over cats...its wierd! I have 2 cats, and I miss them dearly..but it was never an obession until recently.Whenever I see a cat picture or a cat artwork, or sculputre I get all excited :) Cats are such languid animals...I jsut had an encounter with a "ragdoll" I never heard of a ragdoll but there she was all bushy and cuddly and cute..such a princess..and that was her name "Princess"!!She belongs to a certain family and I had the honour to meet thier little I long for cats and dogs of my own.I can picture them now, in my yard playing,jumping ..having a jolly time. My dog (fictional of course as of now) which by the way is called Rex is a labrador...who inhabits my home(also finctatious as of now) which is 2 story bungalow with lots of land..(veven a corner) lot is has to be corner lot! own your own home...I cant wait to make it a reality....soon soon...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The meeting after 15 years

Today was a brilliant day!!! Not in a million years had I imagined that I would meet my first FOM and a friend after all these time! Just 2 weeks ago, I had told my friends about my first job and how I got started in this budget hotel and how my FOM gave me the motivation to move on..and lo and behold there it e-mail from him to another friend of mine on some Punjabi food promo! I got a shock of my life when his name popped up and I called my friend and clarified and then I just shot off a mail. They next thing I know, he calls up and we're chatting like old friends. Damn !! it has been really a surprise. He also put me in tocuh witth my other friends all the old gang...I hope I get a reply from them.
God does work in mysterious ways...good things come at unexpected times, that makes it all the more sweeter. I hope that after this i won't lose touch really made my day. Now back to my Business Planning..headache :(

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Its true-Men are NORMAL, Women come from Mars

Today was pretty hectic! Spending time poring over business plans etc..figures,thinking,thinking,and more thinking. My brain has become so rusty of late I cant put my finger on it!!! I just feel so dumb sometimes..but then I tell myself I'm still new have patience.
I am sooo damn lapar, I could eat a horse!!! There was this DVD I watched all by my lonesome self on "He's just n ot that into you" and its just so true. Women tend to put thier hopes up so high and then when things dont happen the way we want, we cry and sob and tell our girlfriends how life suck for us!!! I mean, just this evening , I was having a conversation with my friend about the same subject and we discussed how men are just so direct and not bothered about half the things we are bothered about. Like what to eat, and where to go, and what to wear. When you ask a man what to eat, they give you a direct answer-when women are asked what to eat-we whine and say I dont really know!! I mean whats up with that?? The list goes on but on e things for sure..Men Are really NORMAL and Women are the ones from MARS!

Monday, June 29, 2009

peek a boo

OK! Here's the thing, I've not been blogging for so long now I'm a bit rusty! I am now in my room with a bowl of fried rice and fruits watching the telly...quite boring stuff. I've moved again now to Vietnam. Life is good here..I think I'll eat first and blog after. Damn sleepy!! Finding it hard to write. I feel so knackered, having trouble sleeping, keep waking up in the middle of the night. I think my hormones are really acting up-crap!!! I hate that..getting older..everything changes,..whomever said that women age gracefully must have been nuts! I certainly don;t think so.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


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Saturday, January 17, 2009

My make up stuff

I was in my bathroom the other day, preparing myself for work when I glanced at my vanity and realized just how much of stuff I used to get ready. A woman's life is not complete with just 1 kind of cream or make up-we have an assortment of it! I wasn't much of a make up person nor was I ever into all those creams that women use but lately as I'm maturing I realized how much it helps!!! I also realized just how much of stuff I need whenever I'm going on a short or long break-no wonder we carry a huge carry-on! So I thought I'd list down all the stuff I use on myself to help me appear better than usual:

Mary's list of things she can't live without (at least for now!):

For the face & hair:

1.Facial foam



4.Eye cream


6.Eye make up

7.Khol and eyeliner


9.Lip liner(at least 3 colours)

10.Lipstick ( lots of that)


12.Blusher brush

13.Eye brow pencil (at least 2 colors)

14.Facial cottons

15. Mousse

16.Hair relaxant

17.Hair bands/scarfs

18.Pimple cream

For the body:

1.Shower cream/bubble bath


3.Special cream for the hands and feet

4.Nail clipper

5.Nail polish and remover.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Can you see the light?

Have you ever experienced a time when you had no electricity for an hour? You'd feel irritated or restless-now let's say you have to get through the day with 16 hours of no power!!! That's exactly what is happening here in Nepal. Load-shedding as it's most commonly called is nothing new around these parts-as one of the biggest resources in hydro power, one would imagine that the country could sustain itself! But in reality, up to now, nothing is being done to eliviate this problem. I am lucky to be living at the hotel, I am not directly affected but to hear my friends and colleagues raise the issue time and again, makes me as frustrated as they are!

Imagine if you may; shops, restaurants, cybercafes, all shut down because they have no power and what's worse is that they have no other means to obtain power either! Electric tempos that ply the busy streets of Kathmandu have no option but to go on strike in order to get the "authorities" to provide electricity to recharge! Generators, inverters cost a bomb! Diesel is scarce and at times like this, it is even more expensive to buy! What is going on here? Who is responsible for this? The blame game has already begun. It's affecting the lives of thousands of people here-I never would have imagined I would bear witness to such a situation but here I am-in the thick of it all!!!

Now it's a matter of watch and wait again-hoping against hope that solutions are found to this ever increasing frustration!