Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Its true-Men are NORMAL, Women come from Mars

Today was pretty hectic! Spending time poring over business plans etc..figures,thinking,thinking,and more thinking. My brain has become so rusty of late I cant put my finger on it!!! I just feel so dumb sometimes..but then I tell myself I'm still new here..so have patience.
I am sooo damn lapar, I could eat a horse!!! There was this DVD I watched all by my lonesome self on "He's just n ot that into you" and its just so true. Women tend to put thier hopes up so high and then when things dont happen the way we want, we cry and sob and tell our girlfriends how life suck for us!!! I mean, just this evening , I was having a conversation with my friend about the same subject and we discussed how men are just so direct and not bothered about half the things we are bothered about. Like what to eat, and where to go, and what to wear. When you ask a man what to eat, they give you a direct answer-when women are asked what to eat-we whine and say I dont really know!! I mean whats up with that?? The list goes on but on e things for sure..Men Are really NORMAL and Women are the ones from MARS!

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