Thursday, July 16, 2009

My obsession....

My obsession with cats!! I don't know what it is..I just have a fascination with them..On my recent trip to Bali, I had the most incredible urge to buy all things catty! I bought 4 different kinds of cats, is it the ferrel like feature of these animals..what is it that makes me droll over cats...its wierd! I have 2 cats, and I miss them dearly..but it was never an obession until recently.Whenever I see a cat picture or a cat artwork, or sculputre I get all excited :) Cats are such languid animals...I jsut had an encounter with a "ragdoll" I never heard of a ragdoll but there she was all bushy and cuddly and cute..such a princess..and that was her name "Princess"!!She belongs to a certain family and I had the honour to meet thier little I long for cats and dogs of my own.I can picture them now, in my yard playing,jumping ..having a jolly time. My dog (fictional of course as of now) which by the way is called Rex is a labrador...who inhabits my home(also finctatious as of now) which is 2 story bungalow with lots of land..(veven a corner) lot is has to be corner lot! own your own home...I cant wait to make it a reality....soon soon...

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